“Building high the towers of learning, on the rock of Holy writ, teaching to be wise courageous, keeping lamps all trimmed and lit.”
Lanakila Baptist Schools, as a ministry of Lanakila Baptist Church, is dedicated to the Christian development of young men and women. As such, we believe that Christian education is the best for any child for it enables him to relate properly to God, himself, family, others, and the world. This is done through a Christ-centered academic program that is based on the absolute truths of the Word of God and by creating an atmosphere of love and concern for our students. Here at Lanakila we pride ourselves in utilizing the Abeka Curriculum.
ABeka K-6th

Junior and Senior High
ABeka & Saxon Math

Scope and Sequence

Abeka’s Curriculum Approach
Our school uses the Abeka curriculum because it uses spiraling methods, learning preferences, and cross-subject integration which provides just the right approach to learning. Here are some facts about each:
- Abeka’s spiral approach—building from the simple to the complex, with frequent review and application within each grade and from grade to grade.
- This means our teachers prevent learning gaps from the first day material is taught with Abeka until the last.
- Since repetition is the key to learning, concepts are truly learned—and remembered.
- Because concepts aren’t presented just one time, or in one way, it means our curriculum is giving your students multiple opportunities to be successful.
- Rough days are less stressful for students because they don’t have just ONE CHANCE to make sure they understand a concept.
- Learning preferences—when faced with the 3 major learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic, or hearing, seeing, and doing), learning preferences are how you prefer, if given a choice, to learn something. Instead of favoring 1 and neglecting the others, Abeka incorporate all 3.
- By using all 3, we are teaching your students to be adaptable, resilient learners.
- We’re preparing them for college and real life.
- We’re doing what the best teachers do to help their students learn.
- Cross-subject integration—pulling in concepts from 1 subject into several others to reinforce understanding and tie learning together.
- Learning comes to life more with cross-subject integration (like when students learn about Abraham Lincoln in history, read about him in language arts, do a project with pennies and top hats in art, and write a story using what they know).
- Students feel a sense of familiarity and accomplishment when they see something they’ve already learned (like spelling words) “pop up” in another subject (like science or literature). They’re set up to succeed.
- It engages curiosity and emphasizes the big picture.

Google for Education enables students to learn at school or on-the-go with their Google Chromebooks.
An article to read: Google’s Chromebooks make up half of US classroom devices sold
On the elementary campus, our sixth graders have begun preparing for high school by using Chromebooks. On the high campus, we have a 1 – 1 deployment of Chromebooks with android app functionality.