Why Christian Education & LBS?
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Why Christian Schooling?
The choice you make for your children’s education shapes them academically, spiritually, and in their worldview and skills. At Christian schools, the faculty and staff are equipped to address each of these developing areas of a child’s life. These schools take seriously the responsibility to develop children’s minds, but they don’t distance God from academics. They know that developing skills in young people is essential to helping them reach their God-given potential.
Christian educators help cultivate a worldview in which God has His rightful place, and they look to the Bible for guidance in answering life’s big questions. These teachers enhance children’s spiritual development in an intentional, nurturing manner.
A Christian education at an ACSI member school will help your child grow spiritually, academically, and culturally. In fact, the recent Cardus Education Survey and other education studies show that ACSI schools develop the whole child better than any other type of school. Watch this brief video to learn how!
Association of Christian Schools International
Lanakila Baptist Schools…
…will teach every aspect of your child: the head, the heart, and the hands.
What students learn in school continues far beyond what is taught in the classroom. There is an underwritten curriculum that coincides with classroom learning, the influence of peers, relationships with teachers and the values of family and leadership. At LBS our underwritten curriculum is reflected in our core values, academic excellence, strong character development, and biblical values. These affect each aspect of a student’s experience and how they will interact with the world around them.
…will broaden their horizons beyond the classroom and prepare them for success in life.
Schools are places where children explore their abilities and are challenged to expand their horizons. It is very important that as your child grows and develops, he is exposed to opportunities to participate in music, drama, athletics, clubs and off campus excursions. At LBS, our activities provide every child with the opportunity to develop skills, interests, and relationships outside the classroom. Our low teacher/student ratio encourages students to take risks in exploring their interests and discovering their gifts.
…will offer the very best academic opportunities to fulfill ambitions for life after graduation.
Schools are places where students interact with outstanding educators as part of a highly successful academic program. LBS yearly exceeds all local, state, and national standards as measured by the nationally recognized Stanford Achievement test. The graduates of Lanakila Baptist School are accepted to, and attend, some of the finest colleges and universities in the state and nation. Their academic foundation was laid in our elementary division.
…will be a place where values are taught, modeled, and expressed throughout the school.
Many schools can provide a good education, safe environment, ample extracurricular opportunities and good friends. Only LBS can blend each of these into a cohesive whole where strong personal values and integrity combine with a Christian worldview to become the cornerstone of a student’s life. At the heart of LBS are our values. Not simply words, but actions lived and shared with every student each day. LBS is the best school for your child because each day is an experience in learning values and seeking God’s will.